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James Lisica Supply Chain Futurist Strategist Speaker


James covers a wide range of topics about the future, innovation, technology and corporate strategy. 

  • The New Normal: Floroushing in the post-pandemic world.

  • Supply Chain Strategy: Exploring future markets and developing innovative capabilities.

  • Digital Transformation: Implementing digital roadmaps to disrupt the disruptors. 

  • Technology & Innovation: Faster, more proficient with deeper intelligence. 

  • Sustainability (CSR & ESG): Pioneering ethical, responsible and sustainable profitability.

  • Customer Trends: Delivering tomorrows customer experiences today.

These topics (plus many more) can be covered individually for deeper insight, or combined to deliver a 

holistic overview of emerging trends impacting the worlds supply chains.

Below is an overview of James' most sought after presentations.

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